ALERT: Jobseekers are being fraudulently contacted by scammers. Click here for more details.
Check and compare your salary
Whether you're job hunting or hiring, understanding typical salaries is crucial.
Our salary calculator provides insights into how your earnings compare to the highest, typical, and lowest salaries - just enter your job details below.
Here's how your salary compares to your peers. If you would like to talk to a consultant about any aspect of your career, you can find your nearest Hays office here.
Whatever your career goals for 2025, our hub covers all the tips and insights you need to succeed, whether that’s finding your next role, achieving that promotion, or futureproofing your skills.
Stay up to date with the latest employment insights. As experts in the world of work, we cover a wide range of topics including salary trends, career advice, interview tips and everything you need to meet your career ambitions.
Know someone looking for a new role? We’re experiencing huge demand for talent across a range of professions. Refer a friend today and if we place them, you’ll earn up to €250 in retail vouchers.
Why use our salary checker tool
Simply input your job title, industry, region, and current salary, and the tool will provide a comparison with industry standards. This helps you assess whether your compensation aligns with your true value.
Gain insights into typical salaries for your role in today’s market, enabling you to negotiate pay reviews or plan your career advancement
Remaining informed about salary trends is vital for employers. Whether you’re recruiting new talent or evaluating your existing compensation framework, having current data is essential. Our free, user-friendly tool enables you to compare salaries across different sectors for various roles.
This valuable insight ensures you can make competitive salary offers, helping you attract and retain top talent.
Don’t miss out on our latest Salary & Recruiting Trends guides, featuring exclusive insights from almost 1,500 professionals
The salary data in this tool was compiled using information gathered during 2023 from Hays offices across Ireland, and is based on job listings, job offers and candidate registrations.