New year new career? Get ahead with these tips for your festive job search

7 min read | Jennifer Dillon | Article | | Job searching

tips for your festive job search

After a year of high interest rates, a cost-of-living crisis and continuing economic uncertainty, it’s fair to say we all deserve a well-earned festive break. This is a time to unwind, recuperate and recharge ready for the year ahead.

However, it’s also a period when many people choose to reflect on their professional life and decide whether a change of direction is needed – which could mean a completely new role. If this is something you’re considering, then a proactive approach to job searching should be on the cards during – at least some of – your holiday.


A five-point plan for your festive job hunt:

  • Consider what you want from your new role – beyond just your job title and pay. What kind of organisation do you think would suit you? And what sort of company culture do you work best in?
  • Start researching as soon as you can. Speak to a recruiter, or have a scan of job sites and LinkedIn to get an idea of what roles are on the market.
  • Network, network, network. Identify relevant contacts who could help you make your next step and reach out to them.
  • Make sure your CV’s ready to go. Take time to weave in some of the relevant key terms you’ve noticed when looking at potential roles – this will make it easier for hiring managers to quickly spot the overlap between the skills you have and the skills they need.
  • Ask a friend or family member to try out some interview questions on you. When the invitations start coming in you’ll want to be prepared. 


Below we’ve debunked some of the myths you might have heard about job hunting over the festive period:

I should forget about work completely.
False, sorry.

It’s absolutely important that you take time to rest and recuperate after a busy year – the festive period is a time when you should be prioritising what makes you happy. However, being fulfilled in your career is a vital aspect of your wellbeing, and therefore – rather than turning off your work brain completely – perhaps just turn it down. You deserve to be professionally successful in the year ahead, and reflecting on the past 12 months is a vital part of this.

Ask yourself a few questions about your career, for example. What have you enjoyed about your job this year? What would you say is a major achievement? Are you happy with how things have gone, or is there something you’d do differently? Even just using some of your downtime to reflect could help you identify some new goals or a fresh direction for the year ahead.

Loads of people will be looking to move jobs in the new year.
True. So act now!

January is traditionally a time when people are looking for a fresh start – which often involves a new job. As a result, the new year can feel like a competitive time to be applying for a new opportunity. 

But that’s why getting a head start can put you at an advantage. Most people will be so distracted by seasonal festivities and fatigued after a long 12 months that they’ll put off their search until they get around to making it a New Year’s resolution – so beginning your job hunt in December could really give you a running start. Even if it’s just making sure your CV is up to date and bookmarking potential opportunities, getting the ball rolling before the competition starts in earnest in January will definitely pay off.

My CV won’t be looked at until January.
Not necessarily true…

It would be reasonable to think this, given that business activity usually begins to taper off as the end of the year approaches. But that doesn’t mean hiring activity stops completely, and there’s no need to worry about your CV sitting in an inbox unread. Hiring managers and recruiters will be continuing to check their emails over the festive break – it’s the nature of their role, and what’s more, the slowing of activity may give them more time to give thought and consideration to any new applications that come through.

Taking a punt and sending your CV out over the festive period could just make you stand out to a hiring manager during a calmer stage in the year.

Job hunting will derail my festive plans
Well, that one’s up to you.

Many of us will be looking forward to taking time out to enjoy ourselves over the festive period –whether that involves seeing family and friends, jetting off somewhere, or just relaxing at home. Whatever it means to you, this time of year is precious, and the last thing you want is to miss out because you’re searching for a new job. 

The truth is, if you want to, you’ll be able to do both. Setting some time aside to browse potential roles, even if it’s just half an hour when you can – can help you feel like you’re taking positive steps towards your goals. Using your time wisely and applying discipline where you need to will ensure you get a restful festive break while keeping your career plan for next year in sight.

If you’re searching for a rewarding role for the new year, then check out our latest vacancies – we add new ones daily.


About this author

Jennifer Dillon, Director of Enterprise Solutions, Hays Ireland

Jennifer Dillon is the Director of Enterprise Solutions at Hays Ireland, having joined in 1999. She started her career in Hays Technology and is now responsible for the successful delivery and relationship management of a portfolio of Enterprise Customers, leading the strategy and client teams. Her expertise includes Total Talent Management and Outsourced Solutions such as RPO, MSP and CMO.

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